The Last Dragon 2011.

The Last Dragon 2011.

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Kowang dah tengok ini filem? amacam best tak? Lin kebetulan lepas balik kerja kawin kat Dewan Mawar haritu, mood hubby ada baik nak bawak anak2 masuk penggung. Mula2 ingat nak tengok cite Thor tapi tengok dia tulis 13SG, ermm takut anak Lin,Amat tak lepas masuk pulak, jadi taknak amik risiko, hubby sepakat kata kita tengok cite 'The Last Dragon' aje...
1st time ni masuk panggung Cinema Ulu Tiram, pi Jusco Tebrau, makkkk aii ramainya umat manusia, tak boleh nak beratur, rimas dan sesak nafas rasanya...huhuhu. Takpe la, panggung kecik pun jadilah janji dapat tengok dah ler..kan kan kan?

Cite dia best! Kira 4 bintang ok la tu, tak bosan dan boleh layan tak kira yang muda atau dewasa.
Untuk anak2 sesuai la ni, lagi satu kan, jangan pelik kalau dalam panggung tu ramai kaum Cina je yang menonton, sebab ceritanya berkisar 'Naga', dah tentunya Cina sukakan...:)

The Last Dragon


Sinopsis pendek:

What was meant to be a quiet vacation for a boring archaeological dig in China, follows two young teenagers Josh and Ling, who meet each other while following their parents on the expedition. Not long after, strange and mysterious things starts to take place and unfolds into a sighting of a "monster", deep in a cave whose entrance has been hidden by a temple for thousands of years. The teenagers soon realise that the "monster" is an ancient Chinese Dragon trapped on earth, but as the sleeping dragon gets awoken, a breathtaking struggle between good and evil awakes from slumber as well.

P/S: Kalau guna 3D lagi best kot! mesti nampak real 'naga' tu depan mata kita...hehehehhe

With Love

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