Assalamualaikum wbt..
You have your husband/wife every night,
Your children makes you proud,
Your sisters/brothers are always there to support,
Your parents are always there to guide you,
When you have a clean heart and mind
....and when you know that God gave you all these things.
Just because I laugh a lot,
doesn't mean my life is easy.
Just because I have a smile on my face every day,
doesn't mean that somethings not bothering me.
Its just that I choose to move on with the negative in my life,
and keep my head up, instead of dwelling on the past.
P/S: Nama je berISTERI rehat, tapi ISTERI tak juga rehat2..huhuhu camne tu??? ;p
Selamat berhujung minggu buat semua!!
selagi yg bernama isteri & ibu cuma rehat waktu tidur je kot... :)
ردحذفH Abadiey: Betul tu..selagi ISTERI celik mata, selagi tu la keje rumah x siap2..cmne nak rejhat..huhuhu