RHB’s ART WITH HEART EXHIBITION PROMOTES DIVERSITY & INCLUSIVITY AMONG LOCAL ARTISTS | RHB Banking Group (“RHB”) returns with its third edition of Art with Heart (AWH) 2019, themed ‘Diversity & Inclusivity’. The art exhibition features more than 100 artworks by 27 young and emerging Malaysian artists.

A Special Preview Night for RHB’s valued customers and business partners was held at Bangsar Shopping Centre on 24 June, 2019, with the official opening of the exhibition to the general public scheduled from 24 till 30 June, 2019.

The preview night, attended by approximately 300 corporate captains, art enthusiasts and guests, was officiated by the Honourable YB Tuan Muhammad Bakhtiar bin Wan Chik, Deputy Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, representing the Honourable YB Datuk Mohammadin bin Ketapi, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture. AWH 2019 is part of RHB’s corporate responsibility initiative providing Malaysian artists a platform to showcase their works involving various elements of diversity and inclusivity including race, ethnicity, gender, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system as well as empowerment.

Curated by Sarah NH Vogele, the AWH 2019 features artistic forms and mediums that depict exceptional talent manifested through acrylic, image transfers, impasto and stitching. “RHB’s Art with Heart Exhibition gives local artists a valuable platform to showcase and expand their artistic work and one I am confident, will take local art to a higher level as well as help to build art tourism in Malaysia. I would like to commend RHB for taking the lead by giving the opportunity and providing the creative space for young and emerging Malaysian artists to showcase their creative capabilities.

These efforts will go a long way towards connecting young talents to external opportunities, thus giving them the visibility, exposure and the recognition they deserve, locally and globally. This will ultimately contribute towards building a sustainable as well as robust and inspired arts and culture scene in Malaysia,” said Honourable YB Datuk Mohammadin Bin Ketapi, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture.

“RHB is proud to be able to harness the talents and ideas of young and emerging local artists through this strategic platform which gives them the opportunity to reach out to the right audiences, and further fuel appreciation for the local art scene. We believe that the arts culture will enrich and create meaning in peoples’ lives; it has the capacity to unify communities, activate spaces, to promote sustainable development, investment, tourism and economic activity. The appreciation of art and culture is at the center of any society and community,” said Dato’ Khairussaleh Ramli, Group Managing Director of RHB Banking Group.

Art lovers and members of the public will be able to view and purchase these unique art pieces from as low as RM500 up to over RM26, 000. All existing RHB Conventional and RHB Islamic Credit Cardholders who purchase RM500 and above in a single receipt will receive a 5% discount on all art purchases, and stand a chance to receive RM50 cashback subject to terms and conditions. AWH 2019 exhibition is open daily to members of the public from 10.00 am – 10.00 pm from 24 June to 30 June 2019 at the Concourse area of Bangsar Shopping Centre.

P/S: Psttt...korang masih beraya lagi ke? Heheheh..

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  1. wahhh bestnya arts exhibition gini

    1. Kannnn paling best bila dapat lihat lukisan hasil tangan mereka yang profesional dan kreatif gini kan @Farah ..

  2. Wow, boleh tahan harga art. RM 26K! Pecinta seni wajib grab offer exhibition camni :)

    1. Tau takpe, tentu kualiti dan seninya tinggi kan @Syaza ..

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