SHANGRI-LA LAUNCHES GLOBAL #MyShangriLa PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST | Invites Guests and Travellers to Share Moments of Joy with Hashtag #MyShangriLa Irresistible Prizes & All-Inclusive Getaway Await the Most Inspiring Shangri-La Moments.

Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts announced the global launch of #MyShangriLa Photography Contest today. The 6-month contest aims to give new meaning to ‘Shangri-La’ - a memorable, magical moment that catches people by surprise and delights with joy.  

Guests, travellers and beyond are invited to capture and share their unique Shangri-La moment. 

“Shangri-La is both a feeling as well as a place. It’s about an unexpected moment of happiness which can happen to anyone at anytime, anywhere,” said Anthony Wong, Executive Vice President Brands. 

“We taste it at our favourite table. We hear it in a child’s laughter. We discover it in our travels. And it’s different for each one of us.  In our hotels and resorts, we strive to go the extra mile to connect our guests with their own Shangri-La through our thoughtful service that comes from the heart.”

Your Individual Moments of Shangri-La 

From 15 July 2019 to 10 January 2020, participants are invited to share images of what their Shangri-La looks like on Instagram with #MyShangriLa and @shangrilahotels, and on Weibo with hashtag #我的香格里拉#, @香格里拉酒店集团  or upload them on

It can be that special occasion, or moment; or simply a feeling of pure joy and happiness. Photos must be taken at one of Shangri-La’s hotels, resorts or destinations where our properties are situated. 

Shangri-La will be giving away delightful prizes including 10,000 Golden Circle Award Points each month to celebrate the most heartwarming, unexpected moments of joy.  

As the ultimate grand prize, one winner who shares the most inspiring #MyShangriLa moment will be awarded a 2-night getaway inclusive of flights to one of 10 Shangri-La destinations of their choice, including divine and exotic destinations such as Kota Kinabalu, Muscat and Istanbul. 

Winner will be chosen based on photo quality, creativity and uniqueness of the entry, at the sole discretion of the Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts. 

Good Luck all !

P/S: Sis pun nak try nasib jugaklah, kot mana tau kan rezeki, terpilih pulak hehehe.. Jommlaaaa..

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  1. Siapa yang gemar ambil gambar, bolehlah join ni.

  2. Replies
    1. Kann..kot mana tau ada duduk di salah satu hotel Shangri-La, boleh try masuk contest ni @Mawar ..

  3. wowww kena duduk shangri-la dulu lah baru boleh joinnn

    1. Hehehe kita kan pernah pergi, Hotel Jen @Sunah hehehehe

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