WIN UP TO RM3 MILLION CASH REWARDS WITH 'ETIKA’S BOTOL-BOTOL MENANG SEJUTA' CONTEST | Have you noticed the white caps on your favourite Pepsi brand beverages? If not, it’s time to pay closer attention. Etika Sdn Bhd (“Etika”), one of the most prominent Halal beverage companies in Malaysia, has launched a nationwide “Botol-Botol Menang Sejuta” contest.

  • Three lucky winners will walk away with RM1 million cash prize each.
  • In line with ‘Botol-Botol Menang Sejuta’ campaign, Etika will also be rewarding Malaysian with another two monthly contests filled with daily prize giveaways!

Starting from 1 st August to 30 th September 2019, three contestants would stand a chance to walk away with RM1 million cash each as the grand prize winner! The total cash prize giveaways total up to RM3 million cash – and all you have to do, is to look under your white bottle cap.

In collaboration with Boost App, the leading digital e-wallet in Malaysia, Etika aims to continue rewarding their consumers with more generous incentives for every purchase. As part of this campaign, the famous beverage brands under Etika will be repackaged with a white bottle cap. These specially-packaged participating bottles will be widely available across all stores until end of the campaign.

“It is important that we, as a brand, continue to engage with our fans through meaningful customer brand relation strategies such as a rewarding contest. With “Botol-Botol Menang Sejuta” contest, we hope to thank our long-standing fans for their continuous love and support over time and form more lasting relationships with our consumers. Partnering with Boost gives us the opportunity to tap into current industrial trend of cashless payment while recognising the change in consumer spending behaviour,” said Santharuban T. Sundaram, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Alternate Business at Etika Sdn Bhd.

Discover more rewards under your favourite bottle cap

The contest runs from 1 st August to 30 th September 2019 across all stores nationwide. All participants have to do is to buy any of their favourite Etika beverages ranging from Pepsi, 7UP, Mountain Dew, Mirinda, MUG, Revive Isotonic, Tropicana Twister, Lipton, Calpis or Kickapoo with a white bottle cap during the promotion period.

Firstly, participants would have to look under the white bottle cap for a unique code. If there is a code, key in the Boost Redemption Codes in your Boost account. The Boost reward embedded in the code will immediately be credited into your account. Each person/account is able to redeem up to a maximum of twenty (20) credit rewards throughout the contest period. The more codes you redeemed, the higher your chance of being eligible to be one of the 3 winners to bag RM1 million cash prize! Don’t forget to retain the original white bottle cap with printed unique code as proof of purchase.

To heighten the excitement, Etika will also be running another two rewarding contests in August and September 2019 to thrill the loyal consumers!

Win RM1,000 everyday with Etika!

From 1 st to 31 st August 2019, there will be “Menang Seribu Sehari” contest ongoing at selected gas and convenience stores. One winner will be walking away with RM1,000 cash prize every day for 31 days straight! To participate, participants just need to buy any 2 beverages from participating brands in a single receipt and submit their entries and receipt details to the number provided via WhatsApp, together with their full names and IC number, and retain the original receipt as proof of purchase.

Win a bike with your favourite beverage!

Etika will be collaborating with 99 Speedmart to run “Se-Motor Sehari” contest. 30 lucky consumers stand a chance to win a brand-new Modenas MR2 every day from 1 st to 30 th September 2019. To participate in this contest, simply purchase any Etika beverages at 99 Speedmart in a single receipt, answer a simple question and send the answer to the number provided via WhatsApp, together with your personal details and a clear photo of the receipt as proof of purchase, and retain the original receipt as proof of purchase.

So, what are you waiting for? With numerous attractive prizes up for grabs, participate now!

For more information about the contests, kindly visit

P/S: Marilah kita beli air berbotol-botol dan menang sejuta! Kot;ah ada rezeki kann..aamiinn

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  1. sis tengah cut sugar kan? haaa..takpee...beli banyak2, nanti kasi saya ok..hahahahha

    1. Hahahaha bijak bijak ko @Sunah...hahaha ayuh! Marilah kita win and jutawan hehehe

  2. Heppp...Sis jangan beli and minum plak..beli takpe tapi biar org lain minum...

    1. Hahahaha baiklah adinda ku @Suria...hehehehe

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