CARLISTBID.MY OPENS 3 MORE CAR INSPECTION HUBS | Reaching out to more private car sellers in Johor, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. Setting their expansion across Malaysia,, a brand under iCar Asia, has officially launched their latest car inspection hub today, here in Kampung Ungku Mohsin, Johor Bahru.

The new inspection site was launched earlier with the presence of the Chief Executive Officer of iCar Asia Limited, Mr. Hamish Stone, iCar Asia’s Director of Sales, Mr. KY Gan and Executive Director of 23 Motors, Dato’ Abdul Kaathir. A Johorean himself, Dato’ Kaathir started his company in Batu Pahat in 2014 with ambitions to become a major influence in the automotive industry which later expanded to Kuala Lumpur in 2017. He is also known as a professional race car driver with multiple trophies on his shelf.

Launch of the (From left: KY Gan, Group Sales Director of iCarAsia, Hamish Stone, CEO of iCarAsia, Dato' Abdul Kaathir, Executive Director of 23 Motors, Ramanesh Ram, General manager of 23 Motors)

Apart from the car inspection hub, this new site has the capability to store more than 150 cars per time. This gives a faster and convenient selling process to the car sellers here in Johor. Document transfers will also be done on-site within 30 minutes.

Sellers will have to go through a simple 3-step process to sell their cars. Starting with the sellers’ submission of their vehicle information details, they will then be contacted to arrange a physical vehicle inspection. Once the evaluation is done, a reserve price will be determined and agreed before the online auction is conducted.

Signing off the partnership between iCarAsia and 23 Motors for the launch of inspection hub

During the auction, more than 1,500 participating dealers from’s Trusted Dealer will be bidding for the car listed. This process usually takes up to 2 to 3 hours before a car seller can conclude the selling process. Sellers can also opt to have their cars inspected during off business days as well. 

Hamish Stone, Chief Executive Officer of said “The expansion shows that our services are trusted and valued to the public. These new inspection hubs is set to cater to the increasing demand for our services in Malaysia,” Since it’s inception into the market, has generated more than RM18 million in Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) and is showing an increase in monthly revenue. inspection hub demo

“Together with our new inspection sites in Jalan Chow Sow Lin, and another one opening very soon in Butterworth, is generating a positive business growth. We’re soon to open more inspection hubs in the near future,” Stone concluded later.

Prior to the new inspections sites, the company already has two existing inspection hubs which are
located in 3 Stone Park, Shah Alam as well as in Regal Valet, Kampung Sungai Penchala.

Visit for more information.

P/S: Boleh survey ni, dekat aje dengan rumah Emak Sis.. 

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