CANCELLATION OF VISIT MALAYSIA CAMPAIGN 2020 (VM2020) | Cancellation Of VISIT MALAYSIA 2020 (VM2020) Campaign And Guest Stay At Tourist Accommodation Premises Throughout The Movement Control Order (MCO).

Following the recent Movement Control Order (MCO) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) has decided to take the following pre-emptive actions:
  • Cancellation of Visit Malaysia Campaign 2020 (VM2020)
  • A freeze on all over-the-counter and online services for new application, license renewal of travel operating business and travel, tourist guide, tourism training institute and registration of rated tourist accommodation premises as well as spa and foot massage centre.

The cancellation of Visit Malaysia 2020 (VM2020) with immediate effect is in line with the impact of COVID-19 outbreak which has profoundly affected the tourism sector in Malaysia and the whole world.

A freeze on all over-the-counter and online services at Tourism Licensing Division and MOTAC state offices concerning tourism licensing including business travel operator, tourist guide, tourism training institute and registration of rated tourist accommodation premises, spa centre and foot massage centre is also effective immediately until 31 March 2020.

Pursuant to the media statement issued by the National Security Council on the MCO, all tourist accommodation premises are allowed to operate at minimum level. Their services are to be rendered to guests who have already checked-in into the hotels before 18 March 2020, whilst food and beverages are restricted to room service only. On that note, the guests are to remain in their rooms throughout the quarantine period.

Check-ins at the tourist accommodation premises during the Movement Control Order are allowed but on a limited scale. For guests who have to extend their stay due to the implementation of MCO, they may book and/or check-in with the tourist accommodation premises according to their budget. However, new check-ins for domestic tourists are not allowed.

On this note, I urge the public to abide by the rule of social distancing during the implementation of the MCO and to get verified information from official sources. Together, let us do our part to flatten the curve and pray for the safety of our beloved country and people.

Dato’ Sri Hajah Nancy Shukri
Tourism, Arts and Culture

P/S: Moga cepatlah berakhir wabak berjangkit Covid-19 ni buat Malaysia..aamiinnn

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  1. sedih kan bila kenangkan terpaksa cancel kempen ni...dah banyak diorang laburkan, tapi nak buat macam mana...Allah Maha Mengetahui...

    1. Yaaa Sunah, banyak yang tertangguh dah...kalau tak sakan gak kita FAMmediatrip kan hehehe

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