HERBALIFE NUTRITION LAUNCHES COLLAGEN PLUS POWDER IN MALAYSIA | Herbalife Nutrition (NYSE:HLF), a premier global nutrition company, has launched a new health supplement, the Herbalife Collagen Plus Powder in Malaysia to support consumers in attaining healthier skin. 

“As a premier nutrition company, we offer a wide range of nutrition products that fit a variety of needs and lifestyles of consumers. For this reason, we are delighted to introduce the Herbalife Collagen Plus Powder to the Malaysian market. Being the largest organ and visible to everyone, it is important that we take care of our skin. With this latest addition to our health supplement range, men and women of all ages can have healthier skin,” said Steven Chin, General Manager and Director, Herbalife Nutrition Malaysia.

Herbalife Nutrition Launches Collagen Plus Powder in Malaysia

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies which can be found in muscles, bones, skin, blood vessels, digestive systems and tendons. It helps give our skin the strength and elasticity 1 , which not only makes us look younger but also helps in maintaining a healthy skin.However, as the aging process sets in, our bodies’ collagen production naturally begins to slow down. 

Herbalife Nutrition Launches Collagen Plus Powder in Malaysia

Herbalife Collagen Plus Powder contains fish hydrolyzed collagen as the main ingredient, which is made from low molecular collagen peptide. This health supplement is ideal for those who want to boost and optimize collagen production, as well as support healthy skin. With added ingredients such as CoQ10, vitamins C, B2, B3, B6, Biotin, Zinc and Copper, it may further support the development of collagen and formation of antioxidants in our bodies, as well as provides the additional nutrients essential to healthy skin and hair.

In addition to aging, there are numerous other factors that could affect the skin. Malaysia, being a tropical country, has strong and high amount of sunlight which further contributes to the decline of collagen production and speeds up the aging process. Additionally, other lifestyle factors such as a high-sugar diet and smoking may also further impact the reduction of collagen levels.

Herbalife Nutrition Launches Collagen Plus Powder in Malaysia

“As there are many factors that play a part in maintaining the skin’s structural integrity, consumers need to be vigilant in protecting the skin to ensure that it remains strong and healthy. While the process of aging cannot be stopped, it certainly can be delayed if we take good care of ourselves,” added Steven.

The Herbalife Collagen Plus Powder is now available through Herbalife Nutrition independent members.

P/S: Macam sedap plak perisa oren gitu ekkk...

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  1. wah herbalife dah ada collagen.
    nice. hope harga dia affordable.

  2. orange perisa dia , sure sedap kan ... herbalife pun dah ada collagen... berkembang betul

    1. Yaaa perisa Oren, sebab tu Sis kata, mesti sedapkannn...

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