ETIKA EXTENDS A SUPPORTIVE HAND FOR MALAYSIA’S FLOOD VICTIMS | Etika to distribute over 45,000 units of mixed beverages to affected families. Etika Sdn Bhd (“Etika”), one of Malaysia’s leading halal beverage manufacturers, has joined forces with various reputable local organizations to extend their support to families affected by the recent floods in the states of Pahang, Johor, Selangor, Perak, Kelantan and Terengganu.

The unfortunate floods that hit Malaysia’s east coast last week have left tens of thousands of people displaced as they find refuge in temporary evacuation centres and face an acute shortage of daily essential items like sufficient food and beverages. Answering to the need of the community, Etika will undertake the distribution of over 2,000 cartons of mixed beverages (over 45,000 units) along with its’ partner organisations, for victims in the evacuation centres.

Etika Extends A Supportive Hand For Malysia's Flood Victims

This initiative is parked under Etika Cares, a long-term impact driving program by Etika that aims to undertake projects that not only serve as pillars of support but also help to maintain the welfare of the local communities in times of need. Throughout the pandemic, Etika Cares has been actively working with various groups including frontliners, local business owners, and various organizations to cater to their requirements and needs to respond to the crisis.

“Etika is making a constant effort to offer care and support to various sections of our community as we navigate through challenging times. At Etika, we firmly believe in creating a positive impact with the work we do and enriching communities wherever we lay ground. Our hearts go out to the victims of the recent flood and we will put our best efforts forward to offer our support to them,” said Khalid Alvi, Chief Executive Officer – Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei at Etika.

Etika Extends A Supportive Hand For Malysia's Flood Victims

Etika Extends A Supportive Hand For Malysia's Flood Victims

Khalid also added that Etika is already in the process of arranging the said requirements for the flood victims and will be ensuring the immediate distribution of their products for the communities in needs.

Alongside the partnership with Yayasan Food Bank Malaysia and various organizations to reach out to other flood victims in affected States within Malaysia, Etika aims to create impact within our communities under its Etika Cares program. One such measure includes providing additional sustenance to over impacted 100 B40 families in meeting their daily necessities with Gibraltar BSN Life Berhad.

“One of the biggest lessons that we adopted from the pandemic and recent flood situation is the importance of supporting and helping out one another in times of crisis. As we enter a New Year, Etika continues to remain committed to building stronger communities and being for one another at the individual, organisational and society level. #KitaJagaKita,” added Khalid.

P/S: Terkesan sungguh kan keadaan sekarang, mana dengan penyakit wabaknya, dengan banjirnya...Allahuakbar.. ujian dariNya..

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  1. betul kan, dulu banjir jer.. ni kali ni wabak yg habis satu dunia :(

    1. Yee Atie, dugaan buat kita rakyat Malaysia..

  2. Banyak dugaan awal tahun. Syukur ada pihak sudi hulurkan bantuan.

    1. Rasa macam nak skip je cecepat tahun ni Fizah..

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