ZIPPING INTO MORE CHOCOLATE AND BETTER WAFER WITH CADBURRY | Cadbury Malaysia, under the global food company MondelÄ“z International, has launched its all-new Cadbury Zip. This delightful snack comes with an improved, mouth-watering new recipe as part of the brand’s strategy to refine their line of products.

With Malaysians staying at home for most parts of the day due to current circumstances, these sticks of goodness can be enjoyed by everyone in the family, used in dessert recipes or even served as the perfect tea time snack to have with friends over Zoom to Zip through dull moments.

So what’s different with this new Cadbury Zip as compared to its predecessor? The original chocolate base is now replaced with Malaysia’s favourite smooth & creamy Cadbury Dairy Milk. It is also enhanced with 20% more chocolate than before as the new recipe ensures every bite is packed with chocolatey goodness. 

Not stopping there, Cadbury also developed a recipe to ensure the wafer is consistently crispy to guarantee a satisfying crunch that perfectly complements the chocolate in every bite.

The all-new Cadbury Zip comes in refreshed pack sizes with a striking red ‘Z’ splashed across the iconic purple packaging.

Zipping into More Chocolate and Better Wafer with Cadbury

Zipping into More Chocolate and Better Wafer with Cadbury
Zipping into More Chocolate and Better Wafer with Cadbury
Zipping into More Chocolate and Better Wafer with Cadbury
Zipping into More Chocolate and Better Wafer with Cadbury

It is available on Shopee at the price of RM1.00 for Cadbury ZIP Trial Pack, RM1.90 for Cadbury ZIP Big Singles, RM 4.70 for Cadbury ZIP Value Multipack and RM9.90 for Cadbury ZIP Sharebag.

Shopee has seen a growing demand for snacks on its platform, with half a million snacks including chocolates and biscuits being purchased between 11 and 15 January 2021 when the second Movement Control Order (MCO 2.0) was announced.

In celebration of this new chocolatey wafer bar, chocolate lovers will get a free sample of the new Cadbury Zip with any purchase from the official MondelÄ“z International store on Shopee from now while stocks last. The sample also comes with a QR code where users can redeem vouchers to earn a discount on their next Cadbury Zip purchase. 

Adding to the excitement, Chipsmore is bringing back the Chipsmore x Monopoly campaign on Shopee. Chipsmore fans will get to take home a beautiful mug from now to 21 March and a free hand tote bag from 22 March to 18 April with the purchase of any selected Chipsmore pack.

These free gifts are available exclusively on Shopee. Terms and conditions apply. The launch of the new Cadbury Zip is in conjunction with Shopee’s 3.3 Supermarket Sale.

Zipping into More Chocolate and Better Wafer with Cadbury

Shopee users who visit the platform during the Sale from now to 3 March 2021 will also enjoy free shipping with a minimum spend of RM10, daily 50% off deals as well as bargains from as low as 33sen. 

Don’t forget to pay with ShopeePay for smoother checkouts. Take a bite of Cadbury’s tasty offering and other delicious snacking products from MondelÄ“z International by visiting

P/S: Waduh sedapnya... nak kena beli ni dan rasa.. lebih cokelat katanya ekkk... 

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  1. sedapnya coklat mmg suka jenis kenis coklat wafer ni

    1. Kan Yan, ni lagi tambah sedap, sebab double choc tuuu isinya hahahaha

  2. love thissss!!!! kalau beli satu packet tu, mmg habis dalam satu masa

    1. Hahaha Sis kalau makan cadburry ni, perut alah sikit Atie..

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