HOW SIMPLE DEEDS CAN HELP SAVE OUR EARTH | Creative ways to reuse empty containers. While packaging plays an important role in keeping products fresh and safe, it also poses environmental problems when it is not developed to support the environment and waste management infrastructure in mind. 

Last year, in a report by WWF for Nature, it was revealed that Malaysia ranks second in Asia for annual per capita plastic use with consumption at 16.78kg per person. It added that the total estimated annual household plastic packaging consumption amounted to 523,000 tonners for the country. The amount of plastic that can be considered as plastic pollution has serious consequences on the Earth’s planet as it can take hundreds or even thousands of years for plastic to break down. 

Recognising the need for environment sustainability, brands and consumers across the world are shifting towards the use of sustainable packaging – using repurposed, recyclable or biodegradable materials for everyday use; and that includes us - Herbalife Nutrition.

Herbalife Nutrition have integrated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues at the heart of our business strategy and performance. As a proud signatory member of the UN Global Compact, we have aligned our priorities with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), specifically Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and Goal 13 (Climate Action). 

One of the initiatives their have taken is incorporating 25% of Post-Consumer Resin (PCR) in product packaging for all of  Formula 1 Nutritious Mixed Soy Protein Drink in North America in 2021. This initiative will be expanded to other regions in the coming year and it is expected that 475 metric tons of plastic will be removed from the production and waste stream from this change.

While brands are making moves to help the environment, consumers can play their part too! In conjunction with the recent World Environment Day, here are five creative ways to repurpose and DIY your empty canisters – decluttering your home while also contributing to the protection of our planet:

Pet food container

How Simple Deeds Can Help Save Our Earth

Tired of having to go through the hassle of carrying different large bags of pet food for your pet fish, Comel, pet cat, Si Manja and pet dog, Rocky? A simple yet effective idea is to simply pour your pet food into separate empty canisters. Remove the existing label and let your kids draw a cat or dog face to indicate which tub is for Comel, Si Manja or Rocky. Cute stickers will work too!

Flower and plant pots

How Simple Deeds Can Help Save Our Earth

How Simple Deeds Can Help Save Our Earth

Another fun and eco-friendly activity to do with kids over the weekend is to pot a plant. With decorative tapes, permanent markers and miniature garden toys, transform your plain canisters into a lovely pot of blooming flower and greens. Cultivate these little habits of a green thumb when your children are still young.

Brush holder 

How Simple Deeds Can Help Save Our Earth

Having to own only one make-up brush is almost mission impossible. There’s a brush for each make-up routine - highlight, contour, blush, bake, you name it all. If you are having trouble trying to ‘Marie Kondo’ the mess of having too many brushes and sponges, this is a great way to reorganize. Upcycle the empty canisters and turn them into a chic make-up brush holder. 

Place some colorful beads, stones or pebbles into the canister and decorate the canister with glitter tapes or ribbons made out of used clothes. Voila! Inexpensive and aesthetic make-up brush holder for your vanity table. 

Money box

How Simple Deeds Can Help Save Our Earth

Many of us are longing for a holiday once the lockdown is lifted and borders are open. While we look forward to that very day, this would be a good time to start saving for a relaxing vacation or any future travel plans. Cut a small rectangular hole on the plastic lid to fit coins or bank notes, and decorate your DIY money box with leftover gift wraps from past year’s holidays or celebrations. 

General household storage 

How Simple Deeds Can Help Save Our Earth

There are many things we can do, when we repurpose our empty canisters, it is more useful and handier than we even realize. We can always decorate the canisters in however we like, to fit our personal mood or room aesthetic, or just leaving it as plain as it is – go minimalist. Some food items that we can store are snacks that come in bags, spices, or even rice or dried pastas such as macaroni or penne. Such as our DIY make-up brush holders, you could do the same for your kitchen utensils. 

Additionally, Malaysians are generous when it comes to festivities and celebrations. We can always upcycle these canisters for homemade cookies or replace our traditional gift wrap. Use it for gifts such as candles, kitchen towels capsule face masks, tea bags or loose protein bars. Functional and aesthetically pleasing, if you ask me. 

While repurposing a canister may seem rather insignificant, this small step could save one less trash in the landfill. Cultivating the habit of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ in your household is a greater step towards a greener future.

Attributed to Steven Chin, Senior Director/General Manager, 
Herbalife Nutrition Malaysia and Singapore
For more information, please visit

P/S: Kalau kreatif, memang macam-macam kita boleh re-cycle kann hanya walau hanya dengan sebotol tu jer.. 

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  1. betul sis , kalau creative.. mcm2 kita boleh buat kan.. kalau tak creative.. hmmmm bye bye la

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