CREATE INSPIRING SPACES WITHIN YOUR HOME | IKEA sale is back starting 8 July. As we continue to spend more time at home while carrying out our day-to-day to routines, our living spaces have become the heart of our lives. 

In getting accustomed to the new way of living, it is important to ensure our home environment continues to meet the requirements of a multi-functional future. By refreshing it with the right solutions, we will be able to utilise the spaces in our homes creatively while finding greater functionality within it.

To provide Malaysians with greater savings, the IKEA sale is back with 50% off on truck delivery and only RM10 for parcel delivery. Offering affordable essentials for every part of the home, here are some inspiration and quick solutions to revitalise spaces within your home.

Creating an inspirational work setting
Producing your best work means being in a space that works for you. Switch up the look of your working space for a more inspirational and productive environment. Upgrade your home office with a comfortable chair and work lamps to give your working space an elegant setting and hue.

Create inspiring spaces within your home. IKEA sale is back starting 8 July.

Create inspiring spaces within your home. IKEA sale is back starting 8 July.

Add a dash of personal style
Add a personal touch to your home with simple yet tasteful decorative pieces. Brighten up the different areas with artwork, plants, and decorative pieces to emulate your personality. With a space that truly reflects you, days will go by with absolute style.

Create inspiring spaces within your home. IKEA sale is back starting 8 July.

Create inspiring spaces within your home. IKEA sale is back starting 8 July.

Find greater use for the different spaces
Sometimes a creative corner is just what we need to get inspired and find our muse. Cosy up your outdoor haven whether it is in the front yard, back yard or even the balcony. Having a nice ambience is always great when you need that time off to sit back an relax.

Create inspiring spaces within your home. IKEA sale is back starting 8 July.

Create inspiring spaces within your home. IKEA sale is back starting 8 July.

Treat yourself everyday with the utmost comfort
Days indoors can always be enjoyable when you treat yourself. Liven up your days with breakfast in bed plated in trays or a comfy movie night with vibrant touches of quilts and pillows.

Create inspiring spaces within your home. IKEA sale is back starting 8 July.

Create inspiring spaces within your home. IKEA sale is back starting 8 July.

Throughout this sales period, customers may continue to shop online with contactless delivery. All IKEA Malaysia stores remain closed in line with the current ruling. Assembly services are not available at the moment due to current restrictions.

For more information, please visit
*Do obtain pre-approval from your condo management.

Happy Shopping !

P/S: Rindunya nak pusing-pusing IKEA, baucer pun banyak tu belum guna, ermmmm... 

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  1. lama x makan2 kat ikea huhu...

  2. tak sabar nak tunggu ada rumah sendiri. Boleh hias sendiri ikut suka. hehe

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