EARTH HOUR - WHAT IS EARTH HOUR? | EARTH Hour is a worldwide movement organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The event is held annually, encouraging individuals, communities, and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights, for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 pm on a specific day towards the end of March, as a symbol of commitment to the planet.

How can we support Earth Hour at home?
It’s 8.30 pm on March 26th and Earth Hour has arrived. 

Earth Hour - What Is Earth Hour

Here are some suggestions on how to make the most of Earth Hour with your family:

1. Tell as many people as possible and encourage them to join in. Share links to Earth Hour on social media.
2. Light candles, get the torches out and turn off your lights for an hour.
3. Have a meal by candlelight. Even better, can you create a meal where there’s no waste?
4. Play card games in the near-dark by torchlight!
5. Watch a film. You might want to go for something spooky or just something fun that the whole family will enjoy.
6. Take arty photographs in the half-light.
7. Play ‘Who am I?’ Everything’s definitely more fun in the dark!
8. Everyone in the family can write a list of three things that they’re going to do in future to help the planet. It might be as simple as not having a bath every night.
9. Create a shadow puppet play.
10. Last but not least, have a sing-song! Everyone can take it in turns to choose a song.

Earth Hour - What Is Earth Hour

What is the Importance of Earth Hour?

The significance of Earth Hour is that it encourages ordinary people to reflect on their actions and to think about how they can contribute to conserving Earth’s resources. Today, the event has grown into the world’s largest grassroots environmental movement and symbolizes how ordinary people can be rallied to support the environment.

Why do we need earth hour?

Earth hour has become an important staple of environmental awareness and consciousness. Reducing your carbon footprint, both in your personal life and in the workplace, is essential in order to create a robust and environmentally safe world. Preserving the natural heritage of our planet is what Earth Hour is all about.

P/S: Jomm kita sama-sama support Earth Hour ini malam.. 

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  1. Selalu terlupa, nak kena alarm ni.

    1. Hahahaha.. lepas ni kena tengok kalender planet hahahaha

  2. Kenapa eh kak masa bujang saya ingat Earth Hour. Masa WWF buat dulu saya ingat lg kami kat ofis. Hahaha. Set jadual lah pasni. ehehehe

    1. Kekekee ramai memang lupa dah Ruby, bukan ko jerr hahahaha.. kalau dulu siap smabut bagai kat padang kan..

  3. Bila entri omputih, wak tak gheti nak faham

    1. Hahahaha kita malas nak translate kan hahaha

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