EARTH HOUR 2023 - THE BIGGEST HOUR FOR EARTH | EARTH Hour, the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment, returns in 2023 to raise awareness and inspire collective action against climate change and nature loss. 

Over 190 countries and territories will participate in the event on Saturday, March 25 from 8:30-9:30 pm local time. Major US landmarks including the Empire State Building, the Space Needle, The Venetian® Resort Las Vegas, and the Willis Tower will all go dark for one hour.

Each year, millions of people across the world count down to Earth Hour and take one iconic action: switching off the lights. The hour of darkness pulls us out of the busyness of our daily routines and allows us to reflect on the one home we all share. In the face of accelerating biodiversity loss and climate change, there has never been a more crucial time to come together and take action for our collective future.

Earth Hour 2023: The Biggest Hour for Earth

Earth Hour was first launched in 2007 by WWF and partners in Sydney, Australia, and it has since grown into the largest global grassroots movement for the environment. This year, participants are encouraged to go beyond the symbolic lights-out action by learning about, reconnecting with, and helping restore our environment. Read up on biodiversity loss, spend some quiet time in nature, pick up litter, or plant native trees–there are so many ways to celebrate Earth Hour.

On-the-night, Join the Biggest Hour for Earth with millions around the world for 60 minutes and give an hour for Earth. As homes and landmarks across the planet switch off, take a break from your routine and everyday distractions.

Join the Biggest Hour for Earth by switching off lights to show you support nature conservation and shaping our future where people and planet thrive together. Give some time and take action to protect nature today! Pledge below to Join the Biggest Hour for Earth by switching off lights to show you support nature conservation and shaping our future where people and planet thrive together.

Support Earth Hour - Pledge For Nature
For more information, visit

P/S : Kenangan satu masa dulu, pergi Melaka, satu Melaka gelap hahahaha.. masihkah kau ingat? :p

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