TERRACE BY GLENEAGLES OFFERS HEALTHIER MOONCAKES. This Mid-Autumn Festival, Terrace by Gleneagles invites everyone to embrace a celebration of health and harmony with their exclusive mooncake gift set. 

Each mooncake in the collection is thoughtfully crafted to reflect the natural beauty and tranquillity of the season, offering a harmonious blend of tradition and wellness that nourishes both body and soul.

The mooncake gift box is elegantly adorned with delicate birds, vibrant butterflies, and lush green foliage, symbolizing the essence of the festival. It is designed to be the perfect gift for sharing with loved ones, capturing the joy of reunion and the balance of nature.

Terrace By Gleneagles Offers Healthier Mooncakes

Health-Conscious Flavours for All

Terrace by Gleneagles offers a selection of low-sugar, freshly baked, and certified halal mooncakes, catering to diverse tastes and dietary preferences. The available Flavors include:
  • White Lotus with Single Yolk
  • Pandan Lotus with Single Yolk
  • Red Bean Filling
  • Pandan Lotus Salted Mung Bean (Vegan)

Each mooncake is carefully crafted to ensure that every bite is not only delicious but also mindful of well-being.

Terrace By Gleneagles Offers Healthier Mooncakes

Pricing and Availability

RM198nett - Gift set with box featuring four (4) pieces
RM58nett - Loose box with any two (2) flavours
To maintain the freshness and quality of the mooncakes, orders should be placed at least three (3) days in advance. Complimentary delivery is available for gift sets within Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak. Cancellations should be made 48 hours before the scheduled delivery, and an advance, non-refundable payment is required.

Terrace By Gleneagles Offers Healthier Mooncakes

Preservation and Ordering Information

Terrace by Gleneagles' mooncakes are free from preservatives. For extended shelf life, they recommend chilling, which keeps the mooncakes fresh for up to one (1) month. To place an order or for further inquiries, contact +60 12 - 290 5458. Acceptance of an order confirms agreement to the terms and conditions, with additional terms applying.

Terrace by Gleneagles' mooncake gift set offers a perfect blend of tradition and health, making it a delightful choice for this Mid-Autumn Festival.

P/S : Suka kuih bulan ni, siapa sini suka makan kuih bulan? ..

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  1. suka tgk box2 moon cake dr hotel2 ni..cantik2 selalunya kannnn

    1. Sama Lin MA, suka tengok design box mooncake ...

  2. Rinduuuu nak makan mooncake. Dulu saat masih di Penang sering beli. Tapi di JKT sini susah cari mooncake yg halal dan sedap. Paling suka yg isinya yolk 🤤

    1. Oo di Jakarta agak susah mencarinya Fanny, sebab pernah kawan tanya juga .. nanti datang Malaysia aja beli dan makan ...

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